Alpha Alternative School 1972/2012:

Kether Graham

Kether Graham sits in a classroom at Alpha Alternative School

“The democratic nature of ALPHA likely influenced every aspect of my life, but it is most apparent in the way that I raise my children. I’ve taught them that if you aren’t happy with something in your life, then do your best to change it.”

I was very quiet and shy. I remember actually hiding behind my mother’s skirt when I met new adults. ALPHA gave me a place where I could have confidence in myself, where I knew that my opinion counted for something and that I would be listened to. It taught me that everyone can have valid ideas and points of view, no matter how big or small, young or old they are. I find that even now as an adult I have to remind people that children should be listened to and that bosses or other authority figures are people too, and can be spoken to as well as challenged when necessary.

After ALPHA I went to a regular, mainstream public school until grade ten in high school. My grades started falling and my mother suggested that I return to the alternative school system, because it had worked so well before. I went City School and then onto SOLE and graduated. After that I went to Seneca College and graduated with high honours from the Law Enforcement program. Later in life, I took a year’s leave of absence from my job and went to George Brown College and graduated with honours from the Baking and Pastry program.

The democratic nature of ALPHA likely influenced every aspect of my life, but it is most apparent in the way that I raise my children. I’ve taught them that if you aren’t happy with something in your life, then do your best to change it.

My memories include mountains of hummus at potluck events, dancing to <em>Grease</em> on the stage, making things at the craft table, being in charge of the big wooden blocks for the day, scary story time, kissing tag, giant tires in the playground, spur of the moment field trips, taking the streetcar to school with our teacher Susan and bunches of kids from the neighbourhood after the school moved across town from its original location, calling committee, weekly meetings, most of all being a kid, being happy and having fun.

— Kether Graham

Kether Graham (née Beaulieu-Urbanski)

Kether Graham (née Beaulieu-Urbanski)

ALPHA 1975 to 1979 or 1980, ages 4–9. Stud­ied Law Enforce­ment at Seneca Col­lege, then Bak­ing and Pas­try at George Brown. Works for the City of Toronto.

A woman in a pink pullover sits at a table in front of a blackboard in a classroom surrounded by books and toy dinosaurs
Lucy Falkner sits in a classroom at Alpha Alternative School

Lucy Falkner

Jennifer Ferrari

Jennifer Ferrari

Flan­nery Fielding

Flannery Fielding

Kether Graham sits in a classroom at Alpha Alternative School

Kether Graham

Morgan Jones Phillips sits on a chair in a classroom at Alpha Alternative School in front of a row of colourful painted lockers

Morgan Jones-Phillips

Jamie Leonard stands in front of his sidecar motorcycle parked in front of Alpha Alternative School

Jamie Leonard

Maggie Marelli stands in front of book shelves at Alpha Alternative School

Maggie Marrelli

Stefan Lynch Strassfeld sits in a cubby hole in a classroom at Alpha Alternative School

Stefan Lynch Strassfeld

Crawford Crocky Teasdale

Crawford Crocky Teasdale

Colour photo by Michael Barker
Black and white photo by F. Robert Openshaw
Text and Interview by Ariel Fielding